Thursday, July 31, 2008

Oh, Canada!

I spent a week in Calgary/ Banff area in July 2008 - an extended ASID Conference becomes a brief Vacation spot the exotic and foreign lands of Alberta Canada! Beautiful place! Loved flying in over the miles of canola fields - a vibrant yellow like I have never seen. Calgary was nice - western style city - I thought it felt a lot like Denver - very friendly - clean and easy to maneuver- with some fabulous eateries - but Banff - Oh, the scenery!
Bow River - Really the view from the trail behind my Hotel!
Lake Moraine - by far my favorite stop! These colors are real! although even more incredible in person!
Banff Gondola - going up sulfur mountain! what a ride! Only if I had more time - What a hike!

Almost there!
Almost at the peak- Jaunt across the mountain ridge from the gondola Station to the upper most peak at the Cosmic Ray Station National Historic Site. Wow - On top of the world!
View from atop Sulfur Mountain!
I Left my Mark! The Cosmic Ray station national historic landmark building - had thousands of signatures all over the building from many of the people who have made it there... I had to leave my mark too! -I'd like to think of it as leaving the flag on the Moon- Marking that I was there - not so much defiling and graffiti-ing a Canadian National Landmark! I had a sharpie in my back pack - always comes in handy! and very inconspicuously left my name and date(next to the door if you are ever there and want to see)! I zoomed in - it's hard to read - Laura K. 7/28/08 nevertheless there it is - on the top of Sulfur Mountain in the Canadian Rockies.